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Android Instalation

Preparing the software :
  1. JDK 6 (Java Development Kit) for environment variable.
  2. Eclipse Galileo as text editor, download it in
  3. Android Development Tools (ADT),is a plugin for the Eclipse IDE that is designed to give you a powerful, integrated environment in which to build Android applications. Version I used : ADT-0.9.9 from
  4. SdkAndroid (android-sdk-windows), download it from
The first is intalling JDK 6

  1. You just need to "Next" and "Next" as usual, for a default condition.
  2. When it's done, there are folders JDK and JRE on C://ProgramFiles/Java. In my case, I used 2 version above.
  3. Setting PATH for Java,  from Control Panel>System>Advanced>Environment Variables, fill variabel name : PATH and variabel value : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\bin (show your \bin JDK folder).
  4. It would be something like this :

Install Eclipse Galileo and Android Plugins
  1. Download and extract it, install it as usual and put a shortcut on a desktop.
  2. Click Help > Install New Software > Add ADT and install it, it would buy some time.
  3. Read and accept the license agreements, then click Finish.
  4. Restart Eclipse. 
Next step is Configuring the ADT Plugin
  1. Select Window > Preferences > Select Android on the left panel.
  2. For the SDK Location in the main panel, click Browse... and locate your downloaded SDK directory.    
  3. Click Apply, then OK.
  4. If you can't configure ADT Plugin wiith 3 step above, you may try use Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager > Available Package > click it all then click Install Selected.
  5. It would buy so much time (for me).
Make a Virtual Device
This is an emulator we used when we are make an Android Application, especially when we (still) don't have an android phone.
  1.  Window > Android SDK and AVD Manager > Virtual Devices > New then we make a new characteristic for our new emulator.
  2. At that picture, I use API Level 10, so the emulator has a cute view like the second pict.
  3. Done!
Next step is just make a new app for new android emulator..


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