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Install Joomla 2.5

Yaaayy... this time, i learnt new engine to develop a website named Joomla!. There's new version for Joomla, but this time i'll install Jooma version 2.5.6.

  • Create database named 'joomla'


VMware Fusion Instalation

Well, since i used mac on lab and MacBook Pro at home, so i need this helpful apps to use my irreplaceable windows apps. Hahahha.. So, download VMware Fusion .dmg from and get the fifth version for Mountain Lion. And install it as usual, now the fun part begin.

Add new Virtual OS, the one i used is Windows 7. Create it's  image file (.iso) use Disk Utility.

Making of .iso in Mac.


Connecting Oracle with VB

This tutorial is made to remind me how to connect oracle with Visual Basic, since next week is midterm test....  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The first step is, create the table, for this i create table named Pegawai. Make a connection between oracle and VB with Oracle Net Manager, click green plus icon on the left. And follow this instruction, Connect2Oracle is the name for the connection i create.


Internet Setting

So simple, yet sometimes(too many times (_ _")└(>o< )┘) just forget it and wonder how to do it. Well, now i use MacBook Pro for OS X and VMware Fusion for windows and the ethernet card for internet connection. 

When i am on OS X mode, it easy to connect, just plug in the cable, set the proxy on Setting Preference --> Network --> Ethernet --> Advance


SOLVED!!! error: unable to find a 'userdata.img' file for abi armeabi to copy into the avd folder

Create AVD Simulator for Ice Cream Sandwich Android 4.0 do really frustrating whenever it got error message"
unable to find a 'userdata.img' file for abi armeabi to copy into the avd folder
Even if you have already installed "ARM EABI v7a System Image", just like from this link or have restart your machine for more than once like Well, there might be one case, which is your "ARM EABI v7a System Image" are CORRUPT!!!

So, the best thing that solved it, for me is. Download it manually from unzipp it and overwrite armeabi-v7a on  /android-sdk/system-images/android-15/armeabi-v7a/

Then, restart the eclipse. done! :D