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Distance Calculation for Coverage

In simulation of WSN coverage, parameters i used are service area, sensors radius, coverage, coordinate position of x and y of sensors and cost. service area is a area for placement the sensors, coverage is the area that covered by sensors. Every sensor has it's radius and it's radius determine how far the coverage of the sensor which means that it's influence the cost of WSN. Where's radius and position of sensors is generate randomly. Example, there are 6 sensors with difference radius like this :

because it generate randomly, so it's position and radius is could be same or difference. And to calculate the sensor's coverage wide, i used this formula :
where's :
 is sensor's y coordinate value
is sensor's x coordinate value

 is service area's x coordinate value
  is service area's y coordinate value
  is sensor's x radius

Here's the example of type A sensor's coverage calculation :
Type A sensor's position is on {xA, yA} and it has radius as A m. So, with the formula i used, it could be determine which is covered by sensor or not. If  it coverage by sensors, it must be painted red as picture above.
on java programing, it'll be like this :

note : this program is continued from the last post, so that may consist a part or variable from previous post.
and the output is like this :
Since i print "1" for sensor's coverage n "0" for service area that wasn't covered so the output becomes like above. That's why i put it on word n analyze it :
  Where's x is count from up to down and y count from left to right, picture above shows 4 type of sensors from Individu 1. We could calculate coverage total use this program :
Then the result is :
for sensor composition like this :


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