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Connecting Oracle with VB

This tutorial is made to remind me how to connect oracle with Visual Basic, since next week is midterm test....  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

The first step is, create the table, for this i create table named Pegawai. Make a connection between oracle and VB with Oracle Net Manager, click green plus icon on the left. And follow this instruction, Connect2Oracle is the name for the connection i create.

The Host Name you get from the first picture, at Address 1showed 3 values : Protocol, Host Name and Port Number.

At this point, the connection has been made. You may take test option to test it.

The most important thing after all is, save it! And now you can add, delete, update values of Pegawai table via VB.  (●ゝω)ノヽ(∀<●)


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