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VMware Fusion Instalation

Well, since i used mac on lab and MacBook Pro at home, so i need this helpful apps to use my irreplaceable windows apps. Hahahha.. So, download VMware Fusion .dmg from and get the fifth version for Mountain Lion. And install it as usual, now the fun part begin.

Add new Virtual OS, the one i used is Windows 7. Create it's  image file (.iso) use Disk Utility.

Making of .iso in Mac.

First, insert the Windows CD Installer to DVD ROM which is detected in SuperDrive. Click "New Image" to create an .iso of the Windows Installer.  Use DVD/CD master as Image Format, and don't use any Encryption.

To make it become .iso just rename it extension when Windows7.cdr has been created. Then create a new Virtual OS, click on + symbol and click New..

First is directing the .iso to Installation Media and choose the operating system.

And because i still don't have it's key, just continued it. This step is for set the OS propeties.

Finally it's done! You can see my new OS, Windows 7 on my Virtual Machines list.


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