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Internet Setting

So simple, yet sometimes(too many times (_ _")└(>o< )┘) just forget it and wonder how to do it. Well, now i use MacBook Pro for OS X and VMware Fusion for windows and the ethernet card for internet connection. 

When i am on OS X mode, it easy to connect, just plug in the cable, set the proxy on Setting Preference --> Network --> Ethernet --> Advance

Then just inserting the username and password, and it enable to browse the www (world wide website) ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆. And in the VMware Fusion setting, go to Virtual Machine --> Network Adaper --> Bridged (Ethernet):

And this is the crucial thing, it's do really simple thing but sometimes always forgotten ヘ(_ _ヘ): ENABLING THE ETHERNET PORT!!! Open Network and Sharing Protocol :

 Choose Change Adapter Setting :

Then enabling the Local Area Connection. Voila, it's done... (*-`ω´- )人 ^(#`∀´)_Ψ  ヽ(∀゜ )人( ゜∀)ノ


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